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Daily Archive

Barn Swallow
Picture # 1386
Daily on July 27, 2024
Barn Swallow
From Fifty Birds of Town and City

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Bird in the Bush
Picture # 3129
Hummingbird and Feeder
Picture # 3127
Christening a Ship
Picture # 1245
Daily on July 26, 2024
Bird in the Bush
Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Daily on July 25, 2024
Hummingbird and Feeder
Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Daily on July 24, 2024
Christening a Ship
Door County Maritime Museum, WI, USA

Picture # 3122
Picture # 3121
First Flight
Picture # 3930
Daily on July 23, 2024

Daily on July 22, 2024

Daily on July 21, 2024
First Flight

Elk in Meadow
Picture # 3119
Into the Night
Picture # 3118
Grey Crowned Crane
Picture # 3117
Daily on July 20, 2024
Elk in Meadow

Daily on July 19, 2024
Into the Night
Silhouette against the Moon

Daily on July 18, 2024
Grey Crowned Crane

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