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PoliciesPrivacyI respect your privacy. The information you provide at JigCard Gallery (including email address) will only be used at JigCard Gallery. I will not provide your information to anyone else without your authorization - member information is displayed in the Member Directory only with the member's permission. See Frequently Asked Questions for privacy at PayPal and Security. Email addresses provided when creating electronic greeting cards will only be used to send the card or report to the sender that the card could not be delivered. JigCard Gallery does use cookies. See Cookie FAQ for more information about how cookies are used at this site. This is the short (more readable) version of my privicay policy. See Privacy Policy for the official version. SpamI hate spam. JigCard Gallery will not participate in spam. See my Privacy Policy. SecurityTo keep your finacial information secure, I use PayPal for purchases of memberships and CD-ROMs. PayPal does use a secure server. PayPal does not provide us with your credit card or bank account information - instead they credit my PayPal account when you make a purchase. PayPal does send us your email address, your name and, if needed for shipping a CD-ROM, your address. JigCard Gallery has user ids and passwords to protect member accounts. It is wise to use a different password than you use on other important accounts because this website does not use a secure server. Members may change their password as frequently as they wish. JigCard Gallery uses cookies. See Cookie FAQ for more information about how cookies are used at this site. No WarrantyI make every effort to keep this site working well and virus free. I will respond quickly to reported problems. But I cannot warranty that it is virus free or will work as expected. Please report any problems with the site to . Use of PicturesYou may use the images by Dotty Storer for personal use, including personal websites with no affiliates or paid advertising, without any charge if you include a reference to JigCard Gallery at You may use the following html code: <a href="">JigCard Gallery</a> For business use, please . You may not use images from other members for personal or business purposes without their permission. Free TrialA free trial is available for members who use PayPal to register for a one year membership. New members can use their free trial membership immediately and will not be charged by PayPal until the free trial expires. If a trial membership is cancelled before the end of the trial period, the member will not be billed and the membership will expire at the end of the trial period. New members will receive an email with instructions for creating a user id and password. Trial members have access to the same functionality as full members. User IdA member's user id uniquely identifies them to the system. It may be displayed in the Member Directory. Members choose their own user ids. JigCard Gallery is a safe place for all ages, so user ids will be censored if inappropriate. Membership CancellationCancellation during the trial period stops the billing of memberships. If you cancel your membership during the 2 day trial period, you will not be billed. Cancellation does not change the expiration date. If you have already paid for your membership, you may receive a prorated refund. with your request and the reason for the refund. Upload PicturesMembers may upload pictures to play a jigsaw with their own picture or to add the picture to the Gallery. There are currently no restrictions on pictures uploaded to play a jigsaw. I reserve the right to limit the size of the file in the future. The picture is only kept temporarily. Pictures added to the Gallery by members must conform to the quality and content standards of the site. Members must state that they agree to these standards (see below) before the picture will be added. The picture must be approved by Dotty before it will actually appear in the public Gallery. The approval process usually takes less than a day, but could take a week or more. Picture Standards at JigCard Gallery