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Display Gallery Pictures from Member wells

Janice Wells
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There are 14 pictures in wells 's public Gallery and 3 pictures in the private gallery.
Angel Roses
Picture # 741
Angel Roses
Picture from an forwarded email

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Bouquet of Roses
Picture # 745
Bouquet of Roses
Picture # 747
Celosia Beauty
Picture # 1381
Bouquet of Roses
Pink Roses

Bouquet of Roses
Pink Roses

Celosia Beauty
Also known as Cockscomb

Cock`s Comb  Flower
Picture # 1379
Duke and Cousin Jackson
Picture # 1772
Duke and his cup
Picture # 1785
Cock`s Comb Flower
This is from my lawn.

Duke and Cousin Jackson
Duke(6 mo old boxer bulldog) & Jackson 6

Duke and his cup

Freckles and her Flowers
Picture # 1380
Last Roses of Summer
Picture # 862
Neketa and her pups
Picture # 1274
Freckles and her Flowers
My dog loves to walk among the flowers

Last Roses of Summer
These roses were the last in my yard.

Neketa and her pups
Neketa is glad they are finally eating.

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