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Online Jigsaw Puzzles & Electronic Greeting Cards

Play online jigsaw puzzles or send an electronic greeting card from a gallery of over 3,000 pictures.
You're invited to become a member.
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Daily Jigsaw and eCard

Daily photo - When Her Majesty Wants to Know the Time
Picture credit: Arthur Rackman
Picture from: Dotty Storer

Click the Daily Jigsaw button above the picture
to play the free Daily Jigsaw.

Recent Daily Jigsaws
are available to Members
in the Daily Archive.


Photography Tip

Garden flowers make excellent pictures for jigsaw puzzles. Here's a few tips for photographing your garden:

  • Choose a day without wind or use a fast shutter speed.
  • Use a tripod.
  • Eliminate distractions in the picture.
  • Take lots of shots and save only the best ones.

Jig Card Gallery

  • Relax with the free daily jigsaw puzzle
  • Surprise your friends with an electronic greeting card
  • Members have access to over 3,000 pictures for online jigsaws and can add pictures to the gallery. More membership benefits. Join today.

Created by
Storer Software
© copyright Dotty Storer 2001-2024